Invest WindsorEssex/Media Release
WINDSOR-ESSEX, ONT. (Wednesday, Sept. 28, 2022) – AXILE Machine is excited to announce that it has selected Windsor in Essex County to begin its North American operations. Located at 5900 Rhodes Drive, AXILE Machine is a subsidiary company of Buffalo Machinery based in Taiwan, one of the leading technology manufacturers globally.
The company is bringing the latest technology in machine tools with world-leading Industry 4.0 capability to Windsor-Essex to better support their distributors network and customers across Canada, the United States and Mexico.
The Invest WindsorEssex Investment Attraction team began working with AXILE Machine in 2021 and helped support their establishment in the region. The team assisted the company with setting up a Foreign Trade Zone bonded warehouse as their distribution hub and a North American training facility.
AXILE Machine has invested $3.5 million and will hire five employees to support existing customers in North America before scaling up to 25 over the next three years. The rationale behind their decision to locate in the region was to take advantage of the vibrant automotive and logistics sector, strategic location, access to market, experienced talent pipeline and the strong support system that exists in Windsor-Essex.
“AXILE Machine has established its first overseas tech center in Windsor-Essex, the most important die and mold industry center in North America. This is the trigger for the AXILE high-tech automation products further development in the region. AXILE endeavors to offer its intelligent automation and management, digital products, training application and service excellence to the regional industries.” — Dr. Paul Chang, President, AXILE Machine
“Invest WindsorEssex is extremely pleased to welcome AXILE Machine to our region. This is a prime example of a forward-thinking, global automation company choosing Windsor-Essex to establish its North American operations as a result of our strategic location and advanced manufacturing excellence. Another great success story for the Automobility Capital of Canada!” — Stephen MacKenzie, President and CEO, Invest WindsorEssex
AXILE Machine is a global smart machines provider who dedicates to high-speed and high-tech machine and its relevant technology development. Especially in the digital intelligent automation technology. AXILE developed ART the intelligent monitoring system to facilitate our clients achieving 24/7 autonomous production without unplanned downtime and optimizing the productivity. The AXILE service and support network spans nearly 50 countries, with more than 70 distributors across Asia, Europe, and the Americas. They have a service center in Croatia, two technical centers in North America, and a technical center in Europe.
Invest WindsorEssex is the lead economic development agency for the Windsor-Essex region. The focus of the organization is to develop and execute strategies to retain, expand, attract and help new businesses start-up in the Windsor-Essex region. Invest WindsorEssex is led by a board of distinguished community leaders. A team of professional staff will assist you with all your location and investment decisions by working one-on-one with businesses, to facilitate the process of starting, growing or locating in Windsor-Essex.
Media Contacts:
Iris Chen, Marketing Manager
AXILE Machine
Gina Meret-Dybenko
Director, Marketing and Communications
Invest WindsorEssex
Mobile: 519-791-6223