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Progress with IP: IP Strategy

Virtual Event Virtual Event
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In this live presentation, you’ll learn the basics of IP Strategy. We’ll explain why it is important to have a plan for your IP, the relationship between business and IP strategy, the kind of knowledge you’ll need to develop your IP strategy and an introduction to the steps to take to get you started.

Join us for an interactive presentation with online polls, live Q&As and videos.

We’ll answer questions like:

  • Why should I care about having an IP Strategy?
  • What do I need to know to create an IP strategy?
  • How do I align an IP strategy with my business goals?
  • What are the steps I need to take to build an IP strategy?
  • How do I manage my IP Strategy?
  • What do I do if something changes?
  • Who can help me?

All participants will get a copy of the presentation with links to CIPO’s most popular IP resources for businesses.

Event Details


June 12, 2024

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm