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Getting Started with IP: Trademarks

Virtual Event Virtual Event
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This webinar is presented in English.

What are trademarks? What can they protect and what do I need to know if I’m thinking of registering my trademark in Canada?

In this live presentation, you’ll learn the basics of trademarks. We’ll talk about the different types of trademarks and what they can protect. We’ll explain what to include in your registration application and how avoid some of the most common mistakes when creating a trademark.

Join in for an interactive presentation with online polls, live Q&As and videos. All participants will get a copy of the presentation with links to CIPO’s most popular IP resources for businesses.

  • What is a trademark?
  • Should I register my trademark?
  • What are the criteria to register a trademark?
  • How much does a trademark cost?
  • How long does it take?
  • Who can help me?
  • What do I need to do next?


Event Details


April 24, 2024

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm