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Getting Money: What Lenders and Investors Want

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Event Series Event Series: Financial Foundations

Join SBEC for Getting Money: What Lenders and Investors Want, part of our Financial Foundations accounting expert series. This seminar is presented by Hawkins & Co. and Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada. Find out what financial and nonfinancial information is used to evaluate a loan request and the steps to prepare for a presentation to lenders.

Learning objectives for participants:

  • Understand how a bank or investor will evaluate your business
  • Learn the steps necessary to get financial statements and business plans in order for presentation to lenders and investors


  • Why will I need additional financing and capital?
  • What are the typical sources for financing?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of them?
  • How are lenders and investors different?
  • Why do I need a business plan and how do I create one?
  • What are leverage ratios and how should I use them?
  • How do leverage ratios vary between business types?
  • How do lenders look at my business?

Event Details


August 28, 2024

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Event Website

Small Business & Entrepreneurship Centre
19 Chatham St. W, Unit 100
Windsor, ON N9A 5M7 Canada

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