First Steps in Exporting – Module 1


Did you know that on average, companies that export have 120% greater sales than non-exporters, are 13% more productive and experience double the rate of growth? Ontario’s “First Steps in Exporting” program helps companies that are new to exporting familiarize themselves with key steps in growing your international sales in the U.S. and beyond. In...

First Steps in Exporting – Module 2


Did you know that on average, companies that export have 120% greater sales than non-exporters, are 13% more productive and experience double the rate of growth? Ontario’s “First Steps in Exporting” program helps companies that are new to exporting familiarize themselves with key steps in growing your international sales in the U.S. and beyond. In...

Pitch Preparation Workshop


The Government of Ontario is offering a series of free webinars to help reboot your export business. This workshop designed to help you develop the all important “pitch presentation” skills for presenting to international buyers. We begin with what is most important to your customers and business partners – focusing on how you communicate your...