
Billions in new auto investment ‘just the beginning’ — Fedeli

Dave Waddell/The Windsor Star Ontario Minister of Economic Development Vic Fedeli is optimistic that landing the crown jewel of an electric battery factory in Windsor, as part of $16 billion…

Trevor Wilhelm/The Windsor Star Prime Minister Justin Trudeau re-affirmed the federal government’s commitment Tuesday to position Canada at the centre of the EV revolution — where much of Windsor’s hope…

Mark Brown/Blackburn News The unveiling of a long-awaited automotive prototype helped put Windsor-Essex centre-stage last week. Following three years of design and testing, Project Arrow, the first Canadian-built, all-electric, zero-emissions…

Invest WindsorEssex/Media Release LAS VEGAS, NEV. (Jan. 5, 2023) – Invest WindsorEssex (IWE) showcased the Windsor-Essex region on a global stage at the international Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. CES…

Dave Waddell/The Windsor Star There was plenty of Windsor-Essex content on display at the Consumer Electronics Show Thursday as Project Arrow, the first Canadian zero-emissions vehicle and the first Canadian…